To continue our journey with Angular, i created a special kata to help dive deeper in the Angular framework. We will be developing an e-commerce application with two pages but full of special tips and tricks.
When finished, the application should look like this: Ng-MarketPlace

Getting Started

  1. Requirements
  2. Part one: Angular basics
  3. Part two: Angular advanced
  4. Licencing and information


A first experience with angular is recommended but not required as the kata will slowly progress from the fundamentals to advanced techniques.

Preparing the machine

  1. Make sure you have a running internet connection
  2. Install the lastest Node LTS from

  3. Verify node installation using the command lines:

    node -v
    # should display 8.11.x or higher
    npm -v
    # should display 5.6.x or higher
  4. Optional: use a code editor (Visual Studio Code is my recommendation)

5) Optional: add the following extensions to visual studio code

Part one: Angular basics

Create a new project (10 min)

  1. Install Angular CLI
    npm install -g @angular/cli
  2. Create a new project named ng-marketplace (use scss style and mk as prefix)
    ng new marketplace --style scss --prefix mk
  3. Run the application from the marketplace folder
    ng serve
  4. Modify the title from Welcome to mk! to Welcome to MarketPlace

Expected resultsExpected results

Create an order form component (30 min)

  1. The marketplace has 3 categories described below, create a new component called order-form to display them all.
id name
1 Electronics
2 Fashion
3 Car

HINT: Use the order-form.component_1.{html|scss} files from kata/components/order-form.

Expected resultsExpected results

  1. Every category has it’s own logo like described in the table below, Use font awesome classes to decorate them.
id name icon
1 Electronics fa fa-desktop fa-4x
2 Fashion fa fa-shopping-bag fa-4x
3 Car fa fa-car fa-4x

HINT: npm install font-awesome.

Expected resultsExpected results

  1. The full list of categories is availabe on a remote server. Setup the server then update order-form component to fetch data.

HINT: Use kata/api folder as your source of data.

Expected resultsExpected results

  1. Retrieving data from within a component is not a good practise, move the data fetching logic to a dedicated service.
  2. Run the tests and fix if any is failing.

HINT: Take a look at app.module.ts

Expected resultsExpected results

  1. Using the description below, write the following 3 tests for the order-form component
    • Should create OrderFormComponent when all modules and dependencies are available.
    • Should create 3 radio buttons when total fetched categories is 3
    • Should bind second category id to 2 when fetched second category id equals 2

HINT: Use a mocking library like sinon: npm install -D sinon @types/sinon.

Expected resultsExpected results

Setup purchase form (30 min)

  1. Create a form to host the category field. Make sure it works by displaying the name of the selected category.

HINT: Use reactive forms module: npm install @angular/forms.

Expected resultsExpected results

  1. Every category has its corresponding items, display items everytime a category is selected.

HINT: Fetch items from the remote server (api/items.json).

Expected resultsExpected results

  1. Style the displayed items and add an item field to the form.

HINT: Use the html snippet from kata/components/order-form.component_2.html and don’t forget to add images folder to the application.

Expected resultsExpected results

  1. Display the selected item details using a child component.

HINT: Use the selected-item component from kata/components/selected-item.component_1.{html|scss} and don’t forget to display the currency properly.

Expected resultsExpected results

  1. The selected-item component communicates with order-form to add items to its cart. Display the cart items and total value of the order.

HINT: The cart is on the order-form component. Use the selected-item component from kata/components/selected-item.component_2.html and kata/components/order-form.component_3.html.

Expected resultsExpected results

Create a order summary component (10 min)

  1. Create a new component called OrderSummary to display the order summary, it’s should be accessible through /summary route.

HINT: Use HTML and scss provided in kata/components/order-summary.component.{html|scss} and don’t forget, OrderForm page should remain accessible through /marketplace or /.

Expected resultsExpected results

  1. OrderSummary should be able to read cart items and display the list of items and total amount of the order

HINT: Communication between two routes can be done using shared services.

Expected resultsExpected results

Part two: Angular advanced

Route guards (20 min)

  1. Protect OrderSummary url to prevent user from accessing it before completing the order form
  2. Categories take a long time to be fetched, display a spinner for the user while waiting on access to order form.

Feature module (20 min)

  1. Move the OrderSummary component to a feature module called OrderSummary
  2. Lazy load the OrderSummaryModule
  3. Build the application in AoT mode then in Prod mode, notice any difference ?

Redux & @NgRx (30 min)

  1. Setup a store for the application using @NgRx library
  2. Adapt the ItemsBoardComponent accordingly to use the store
  3. Install the Redux DevTools extension to test time travel debugging and more features

Licencing and information

Ng-MarketPlace Kata is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


To view a copy of this license, visit [ ].

For any questions, contact me on